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InterActHealth - Intercultural transdisciplinarity for public health in Latin America

Karadamos, Dimitrios

Karadamos, Dimitrios


I am a linguist (MA in University of Bern, Switzerland), English language teacher (BA in Aristotle University, Greece) and freelance translator and my main interests lie in the complex interactions between linguistic patterns of expression, especially indirect means of communication, within specific sociocultural settings. Also interested in and intrigued by medical and social anthropology and cognition as related to language. My fascination with the Peruvian Amazon was initially explored through my Master thesis on healing centers in Peru and their methods of communication and self-promotion.  As a project member of the R4D project ‘Intercultural transdisciplinarity in Guatemala and Peru: A North-South-South learning platform for culturally pertinent public health provision systems for indigenous populations’, I hope to assist in the ongoing effort of documentation of indigenous medical systems and explore the ways their language maps their concepts of health and wellbeing.


Formal qualifications

Languages: Greek (mother tongue), English, German, Spanish

Master of Arts in Languages and Literatures in English with special qualification in Linguistics: awarded with Magna Cum Laude (University of Bern, Switzerland, 2015)

MA Thesis title:'Authenticity and Spirituality: The Discourse(s) of 'Entheogenic' Tourism in Peru'

BA in English Language and Literature(University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004)